

A liquid tag for Jekyll to generate an SVG/Base64 geo pattern

Geo Pattern Plugin

A liquid tag for Jekyll to generate an SVG/Base64 geo pattern. Based on

Setting up

Add the following to your site's _config.yml file

  - jekyll-geo-pattern


You can choose to generate either a Base64 encoded string:

{% base64_geo_pattern text="Mastering Markdown" %}

Or, an SVG image:

{% svg_geo_pattern text="Mastering Markdown"} %}

Note that you provide parameter as regular attribues. You must have at least the text key. The geopattern is generated from this text.

You can also pass in the other options from the geo_pattern library:

{% base64_geo_pattern text"Some title" base_color="#fc0"} %}
{% svg_geo_pattern text="Another title" generator="sine_waves"} %}

With the Base64 pattern, you can generate something like this as a visual element:

<div style="background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,{% base64_geo_pattern text="Mastering Markdown" %});"></div>
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