

Publishes your non-Jekyll content in `master` directly to `gh-pages`.


A GitHub App to publish your non-Jekyll content in master directly to gh-pages.


First, deploy this code to Heroku (or some other server you own). It will need to have redis installed

Next, you'll need to set an environment variable:

Option Description
PUBLISHER_SECRET_TOKEN Required. This establishes a private token to secure your payloads. This token is used to verify that the payload came from GitHub.
PUBLISHER_GITHUB_APP_ID Required. The ID of your GitHub App.
PUBLISHER_GITHUB_APP_PEM Required. The path to your App's PEM file.
REDIS_URL Required. A URL to a running redis service.

On your GitHub Pages repository, set a webhook up to hit the /build endpoint.

On each push to master, this webhook will call rake publish on your repository, which is assumed to build your site and push it to gh-pages.

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