

Scripts relating to Jekyll blog publishing


These are simple scripts I created to help me with Jekyll post publishing. They are also part of my learning how to write bash scripts.

The scripts should be run in the same directory containing _posts folder.

Create New Post

Run ./ to create a new post with default file name YYYY-MM-DD-newpost.markdown in _drafts folder.

Run ./ filename to create a new post with given file name YYYY-MM-DD-filename.markdown in _drafts folder.

The empty post will have the following default lines:

layout: post
title:  ""
date: $postdate +0800

$postdate is in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

If _drafts folder does not exists, the script will create the folder in the same directory the script is being run.

Publish Post

Once you are ready to publish a post, run ./ filename. filename can be the full file name or just part of the file name.

For example, if you want to publish 2016-05-04-jekyll-scripts-to-publish-posts.markdown, you can just run ./ jekyll-scripts. If there is more than 1 file with the partial name jekyll-scripts, then all the files will be published. Published posts are in the _posts directory.

Upon publishing, the script will rename the file to the current date, and update the date field in the post header.

Currently the script defaults the time zone to +0800. You can change your script to set a different time zone.

Unpublish Post

If you decide to take down a published post, you can run ./ filename similar to running the publish script.

The post will then be moved back to _drafts directory.


Feel free to file issues to suggest improvements. Thank you!

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