

A Jekyll 4 plugin to manage integration with Decap CMS

Hyde Decap

A Jekyll 4 plugin for setting up Decap CMS in your output directory.


  1. Add Hyde Decap to your Gemfile

gem 'hyde-decap', '~> 0.1.0'

  1. Add entry to your Jekyll config under plugins
  - hyde-decap
  1. Setup your configuration for Decap CMS under the hyde_decap property in your Jekyll config file

  2. [Optional] Run Decap CMS's local backend for during development using jekyll decap [reuse optional flags from jekyll serve]. See more below for requirements.


Hyde Decap comes with the following configuration. Override as necessary in your Jekyll Config

# Default Configuration

  file_output_path: admin
  enable: true
  keep_files: true

[!IMPORTANT] Decap CMS requires specific fields to be set in the configuration that are specific to each project. Add the additional yaml configuration under the hyde_decap property in your Jekyll config. An example is available in the example directory in this repo. You can find all of the Decap Configurations in the documentation.

file_output_path : relative path from the root of your generated site to the location to place Decap CMS Admin.

enable : will generate the files when enabled, otherwise will skip the process at build time

keep_files : will not delete files between builds, and will reuse existing files if they match.

The Decap CMS admin includes hithismani's responsive-decap CSS to provide a mobile friendly design.

Run Decap CMS Proxy and Jekyll Serve together

[!NOTE] This requires NodeJS 18+ to be installed along with Netlify CMS Proxy Server

You can simplify local development by utilizing the command jekyll decap which will run 2 processes for jekyll serve and npx netlify-cms-proxy-server

The command takes the same options as jekyll serve - livereload works for both your Jekyll builds and Decap.


Decap CMS - MIT License Responsive Decap - MIT License Subprocess Code from Stack Overflow