

A make-based simple site generator; UNMAINTAINED, see


Despite its name, this is not a clone of Jekyll written in a Make-based language. It's:

  • an Angular2 app written in ES6, w/o decorators;
  • a Make-based convoluted example of a build system for a JavaScript app.

The purpose of it is a stand-alone blog that can be served via any static HTTP server. (When I write a stand-alone I feel like I'm being transferred into 2006.) A semi-live example exists, that's hosted on a tuppeny openwrt router.

Similarities between Jekyll & jekyllmk:

  • a name.
  • (can't think of anything else at the moment)

Differences between Jekyll & jekyllmk:

  • GNU Make + nodejs, no Rubies whatsoever which may be sad for Ruby is still the pleasantest language in the world;
  • json, not yaml in the configuration;
  • only markdown is supported;
  • you cannot use any variables from the front-matter in the post body;
  • jekyllmk is an SPA that renders .md files on the fly;
  • the most common blog widgets are pre-build like navigation, calendar, tag search;
  • on each post modification/creation an index is rebuild (index is used by SPA for navigation);
  • Atom feed is build automatically.


  • Node.js 6.6
  • Tcl/Tk 8.6.4 (for generation of a new site only)
  • npm i -g json

Quick start

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Generate a new site

     $ cd $somedir

    Warning: a Tcl/Tk 8.6 is required for the next step. It'll show you a preferences dialog like this:

     $ make -f $repo/ generate NEW=mysite

    A new dir mysite should appear. Build the site using the makefile from that dir:

     $ make -f mysite/Makefile

    Give production/site dir to any static HTTP server.

  3. Write a new post

     $ cd $somedir
     $ make -f mysite/Makefile new
     $ make -f mysite/Makefile
  4. Sync with a remote machine

    Edit sync.dest variable in $mysite/Makefile. Then

     $ cd $somedir
     $ make -f mysite/Makefile sync


  • Angular2.
  • Works only w/ modern browsers.


  • FTS. We can employ sqlite FTS & write a tiny server that responds w/ an jekyllmk-index-like json.
  • A default way to add third-party JS comments systems.
