

a vagrant setup for working on jekyll project

How to use this project?

This project is based on VAM - Vagrant Automation Machines

To use it, you should do the following steps

  • clone it, and VAM to the same folder.
  • create a symbolic link to the jekyll repository you would like to work on from 'synced_folder ==> the jekyll project'
  • then export CONFIG_FILE for your cloud and run
git clone
git clone
mv  vagrant-automation-machines/* jekyll-project-vagrant-automation
cd jekyll-project-vagrant-automation
ln -s <jekyll project> synced_folder
export CONFIG_FILE=<location to your json file with configuration>
export VAGRANT_HOME=<recommended, optional>
cd <cloud name>
vagrant up --provider <cloud name>

We also support virtual box, so you can simply run vagrant up from the root of this project without cloning VAM as well.

For example

If you want to use AWS, you need to follow configuration example at VAM - aws example

Write your configuration to a file. (lets say /tmp/aws.json)

clone your jekyll project (lets say to /tmp/jekyll_project)

and then run the following

ln -s synced_folder /tmp/jekyll_project
export CONFIG_FILE=/tmp/aws.json
cd aws
vagrant up --provider aws

and you should have jekyll up and running in no time on port 8080 over at amazon.

Using docker notes

docker run -p 8080:8080 -td ubuntu
docker attach [container_id]