

A Hugo theme port of Light Speed Jekyll

Light Speed

An insanely fast and performance-based Hugo theme, ported from Light Speed Jekyll.

Some fun facts about the theme:

  • Perfect score on Google's Lighthouse audit
  • Only ~700 bytes of CSS
  • No JavaScript
  • Now with SEO!

Theme Installation

  1. Inside the folder of your Hugo project, run: git submodule add themes/lightspeed
  2. Open config.toml, change the theme to "lightspeed" and set tagline:
theme = "lightspeed"
  tagline = 'Hugo theme with a perfect Lighthouse score'

Theme Customization

These customization options are available under [params] in config.toml.

  OptionName = "OptionValue"
Option Example Values Description
BodyBackground "#f1faee" Override the background color for all pages.
FontColor "#1d3557" Override the font color for all pages.
HrefLink "#e63946" Override the font color for all links.
PreBackground "#fdfdfd" Override the background color for all inline code blocks.
PreFontColor "#457b9d" Override the font color for all inline code blocks.
TableBorder "#424242" Override the font color for table borders.
CopyrightStartYear "2020" If set, it will show (C)<Start Year> - <Current Year> in footer.
If not defined, footer defaults to show (C) <Current Year>.
BuiltWith true If defined, it shows Built with Hugo text in footer.
HostedOn "Netlify" Hosting provider name.
HostedOnLink "" Link to hosting provider website. Defaults to # if not set. The HostedOn option needs to be set for this to render.
MaintainedMsg true true - Shows Maintained with ♥ for the web. in footer.
false - Do not show anything in footer.
Custom Message - Shows custom message in footer.

Extra Theme Features

These extra theme features are not a part of the original theme. They are made available under [params] in config.toml.

  OptionName = "OptionValue"
Option Example Values Description
ShowCategories true Show post categories under post title on single page
FontColor true Show post tags at the end of the article on single page

Override Favicon

To override default favicons, place them in your Hugo projects static directory.

  • ./static/favicon.svg
  • ./static/favicon.png
  • ./static/apple-touch-icon.png


Open sourced under the MIT license.