

Compiled Jekyll portfolio website

Sean Law

My personal portfolio - seanlaw.io

Getting started

These instructions will go through the dependencies required for this project, steps on how to get the project building locally, as well as deployment to a live system.



npm install

This installs all the dependencies required for the project.



The gulp command runs the following tasks:

  • gulp js-watch - lints & compiles .js files
  • gulp jekyll - builds the Jekyll site
  • gulp serve - serves the site on localhost:4000 using BrowserSync

Deploying on Github Pages

gulp deploy --msg "commit message"

The above command deploys the site to the remote repository and branch defined in the 'deploy' task in root/gulpfile.js.

Note that by default, the site is published to a Github Pages domain. To publish to a custom domain, add the domain name to 'Settings -> Custom Domain' in the remote repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details