

Metadata and scripts to secure a basic jekyll supply chain with in-toto and grafeas

in-toto grafeas jekyll demo

This demo walks through a simple software supply chain for a website generated with jekyll using in-toto and grafeas to provide integrity and authenticity verification. The basic supply chain consists of the following steps:

  1. Tag the release of the jekyll project using git
  2. Build the static webpages with jekyll
  3. Test the build with htmlproofer
  4. Package the build into a docker image

In order to guarantee the integrity of the resulting final product the commands required to perform these steps are wrapped with the in-toto-grafeas client. As a consequence each command produces metadata. This metadata contains information about the used files before and after a step command is executed and is signed by a key and published on the grafeas demo server as occurrences.

This occurrence metadata allows to verify that only the given steps were performed and only by the authorized actors, according to a project definition, which is also published on the grafeas demo server as operation.


The demo requires the following software to be installed on your system: Git, Python 2.7 (virtualenvwrapper), Ruby (jekyll, HTMLproofer) and Docker.

Demo commands

Prepare workspace

# Clone this repo recursively and change into it
git clone --recursive
cd demo-jekyll

# Create a python virtualenvironment, e.g.
mkvirtualenv supply-chain-demo

# Install in-toto-grafeas client in develop mode
pip install -e repos/totoify-grafeas

# Assign some variables to reduce typing effort
project_id="demo-$(date +%s)"

# Clone the jekyll demo project repo and change into it
git clone project
cd project

Upload supply chain layout to grafeas server

grafeas-load -i $project_id -l $layout

Execute supply chain steps

Run supply chain steps while creating in-toto metadata and pushing it to the grafeas server

Step 1. - Git tag the project
# 1. tag
grafeas-run -i $project_id -k $f_key -n tag -p . -- git tag v1.0
Step 2. - Build the sources with jekyll
grafeas-run -i $project_id -k $f_key -n build -m . -p _site -- jekyll build
Step 3. - Test the build with htmlproofer
grafeas-run -i $project_id -k $f_key -n test -m . -- htmlproofer _site/
Step 4. - Package the build with docker
grafeas-run -i $project_id -k $f_key -n dockerize -m _site -- docker build -t ${docker_image} .

Verify the supply chain

Verify supply chain using the project's metadata from the grafeas server

grafeas-verify -i $project_id -k $o_pubkey

By the way, you can check out all the metadata you generated on the grafeas server using the following commands:

curl ${target}/operations
curl ${target}/occurrences

You can safely spin up the docker container and visit your website at http://localhost:4001

docker run --rm -d -p 4001:80 -t ${docker_image}
# Stop and remove container with
docker stop $(docker ps --filter "ancestor=${docker_image}" -q)

Attack supply chain (verification will fail)

First we have to remove the earlier created files from the demo project repo and remove the build metadata from the grafeas server

git clean -fdx
curl -X "DELETE" ${target}/occurrences/build-b17688a6

Then we sneak in some malicious contents before the build step and rebuild creating and publishing new metadata

echo "something really malicious" >> index.html
grafeas-run -i $project_id -k $f_key -n build -m . -p _site -- jekyll build

Now, if we run verification it will fail because the index.html file that went into the build step doesn't match the file that came out of the tag step, which means the sneaky malicious code insertion was detected.

grafeas-verify -i $project_id -k $o_pubkey


Before you run the demo again you should remove the project directory. Also make sure to update the project_id and target variable that you assigned in the beginning, so that you don't get "XYZ already exists on the grafeas server" errors.

Demo script

There is a demo script that runs above commands in two flavors. Just run one of the following commands from within this repo and make sure that you have the in-toto grafeas client installed.

# Publishes layout, runs supply chain commands generating/publishing metadata
# and verifies the final product (passing verification)
# Publishes layout, runs supply chain commands generating/publishing metadata,
# sneaks in malicious content between the tag and build step and verifies
# the final product (failing verification)
./ attack
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