

A theme for the Jekyll static site generator incorporating the Rivet Design System from Indiana University.


This repository holds the code for a Rivet/Rivet Shell theme for use in GitHub Pages or Jekyll.

Use the theme:

1. Gemfile

Add the following to your Gemfile in your Jekyll site:

gem "rivet-jekyll-theme", :git => "https://github.com/indiana-university/rivet-jekyll-theme.git"

2. _config.yml

In your _config.yml file, replace the theme property value with rivet-jekyll-theme:

theme: rivet-jekyll-theme

3. Bundle

You'll also need to run bundle install to download the theme like adding any Gem.

4. Running locally

bundle exec jekyll serve


bundle exec jekyll serve --port 4001


  • Includes (_includes) for:

    • styles area
    • scripts area (after footer)
    • HEAD metadata from front-matter (tags, categories, title, description, keywords, etc.)
    • Header
    • Footer
  • Publish as a Gem (need an account )