

A Ruby on Rails app to generate Jekyll-style markdown pages.

Jekyll Authoring Tool (JAT)

The Jekyll Authoring Tool (JAT) is a Ruby on Rails app that will produce markdown files (.md) suitable for immediate usage in most Jekyll blogs/websites.

Via a webform, the user is prompted for the post's title, permalink (usually only used for non-blog posts), layout (the default is "post"), and the post's content. Upon clicking the "generate" button, the user is prompted to download a text file that includes all of the above information formatted correctly, including the date the post was generated and a file name in the format of "", which is typically used by Jekyll sites for blog posts in the _posts directory (other types of pages can be simply saved as .md and placed in the appropriate alternate directory).


If you have Ruby/Ruby on Rails installed, navigate to the "jat" directory and start a Rails server with rails s (or rails start), and then use a web browser to navigate to http://localhost:3000/jat/create to view the webform.