

Jekyll plugin to group posts by arbitrary front-matter keys.

Jekyll Post Group Generator

This plugin provides a generator for grouping posts by arbitrary front-matter keys.

Jekyll provides two grouping variables for posts: site.categories and site.tags. This plugin provides a method to create groups for any other key you’d like.


This plugin is provided as a gem:

gem install jekyll-itafroma-post_groups

Once the gem is installed, include it in your Jekyll site's configuration:

gems: ['jekyll/itafroma/post_groups']


This plugin is configured using a sequence of mappings named post_groups:

    - key: section
      group: sections
      exclude: ['Philosophy']

Each mapping has the following keys:

  • key: (required) The name of the front-matter key to group on.
  • group: (required) Used to name the site.* variable (e.g., site.sections for the front-matter key section). Note: this cannot be the same name as a built-in Jekyll variable.
  • exclude: (optional) A sequence of values that should be excluded from the grouping. In the example above, posts keyed with section: Philosophy will be excluded from site.sections.


Once defined, you can use your new post groups within templates in the same way that you can use site.categories and site.tags:

  • Each post group will be defined as an array within the site variable (e.g. site.sections).
  • Each key within that array will be another array containing two elements: the first element is the key value (e.g. "Philosophy") and the second element is an array of posts that are keyed with that value (e.g. every post with section: Philosophy in its front matter).

Let's say you wanted to have a new key, section, and wanted to display each value in section on a page with a list of post titles within each section:

{% for section in site.sections %}
    <h1>{{ section[0] }}</h1>
    {% for post in section[1] %}
        <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This plugin is copyright © 2014 Mark Trapp. All rights reserved. It is made available via the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.