

A boilerplate with Jekyll, Webpack, and Node.js to kickstart the development of blazingly fast, feature-rich, & SEO-ready static sites.

Site | NPM Module | GitHub Repo

Ultimate Jekyll is a template that helps you jumpstart your Jekyll sites and is fueled by an intuitive incorporation of npm, gulp, and is fully SEO optimized and blazingly fast.

🦄 Features

  • SEO Optimized: Ultimate Jekyll is fully SEO optimized.
  • Blazingly Fast: Ultimate Jekyll is blazingly fast.
  • NPM & Gulp: Ultimate Jekyll is fueled by an intuitive incorporation of npm and gulp.

🚀 Getting started

  1. Create a repo from the Ultimate Jekyll template.
  2. Clone the repo to your local machine.
  3. Run these command to get everything setup and sync'd!
    npm install
    npx uj setup
    npm start

📦 How to sync with the template

  1. Simply run npx uj setup in Terminal to get all the latest updates from the Ultimate Jekyll template.

🌎 Publishing your website

  1. Change the url in _config.yml to your domain.
  2. Push your changes to GitHub using npm run dist in Terminal.