

My personal wiki notes on jekyll implementation


About The Project

My personal wiki notes on jekyll implementation

Built With

Getting Started


  • Install jekyll and bundler

    gem install jekyll bundler
  • Grant permission to main branch to allow it to deploy to gh-pages branch.

    • Go to Settings page of the repository, click Environments tab and select github-pages environment then click on Edit button.

    • Under Deployment branches, click Add deployment branch rule and enter main on the Branch name pattern text then click Add rule button to apply the changes.


  1. Create a new repository.

  2. Clone the newly created repository.

    git clone [email protected]:<username>/<repository>.git
  3. Change directory to the local repository path.

  4. Create a new jekyll site.

    jekyll new .
  5. Update Gemfile if necessary and execute this command to update Gemfile.lock for changes to reflect.

    bundle install
  6. Update _config.yml accordingly.

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