

A bastardized re-working of the minimalist Lanyon theme for Jekyll, ported for use with Siteleaf.


This is a bastardized re-working of the minimalist Lanyon theme for Jekyll, ported for use with Siteleaf.

Includes configuration for use with Sass, Guard, and POW.

If you're not familiar with Siteleaf, think of it as a web-based static site generator that's easy enough for your non-technical clients to use.

You build the templates, then let them manage the content in Siteleaf, publishing out static files to FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, Siteleaf hosting, or even Github Pages.

Developing for it is super simple. Templating is done with the delightfully easy to use Liquid engine.

"That can't work, too easy." [it works] --me, everytime I'm building a template in liquid.