

A Jekyll blog theme with just the right amount of style

Pudhina Fresh

A minimal yet feature-rich Jekyll theme made for personal websites and blogs. Adapted from Pudhina theme by Knhash.


  • Everything that already comes with Pudhina theme and
  • Masonry style projects page with collapsible cards – demo.
  • Customizable post meta data – tags, published date, updated date, author.
  • Responsive mobile friendly design.
  • Code blocks powered by highlight.js accompanied by matching styles for in-line code.
  • Create redirect pages using the _layouts/redirect template.
  • Support for Bootstrap elements and bootstrap compatible styles.
  • Support for Disqus comments and Google Analytics.
  • Redesigned table, heading, subheading, link, quote, and text styles.
  • Just as fast as the original – 90+ Google PageSpeed Insights score.
  • Read full post on Pudhina Fresh.

Quick Start

Credits and License

Pudhia Fresh is built on top of Pudhina by Shashank S.

MIT License