

A simple jekyll site that generates a map!


A simple jekyll site that generates a map!


$ git clone
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Jekyll should then serve the app locally at (configurable in _config.yml).

Note: site is served from a _site/ directory after Jekyll builds. To make any changes, look at the _layouts/, _includes/ directories and _config.yml. All changes will be reflected into a newly built _site/ static set of HTML pages.

Adding Locations

Locations live in the locations/ folder as .markdown files, supporting images reside in images/. Jekyll will compile all markdown files by default regardless of filename.

The text file must be structured as follows:

title: Address of Parklet
host: Sponsoring Business
image: "image_file_name.jpg"

latitude: 37.776368
longitude: -122.408594

Latitude and longitudal coordinates can be found via Google Maps.


Special thanks to Mick Thompson & Code for America.

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