

A gem for modularizing Jekyll-built website updates and pushing to an s3 bucket.


A gem to build YAML files from Google spreadsheets to assist in maintaining static Jekyll websites.


The easiest method is to add the following line to your Gemfile

gem 'Static-Bliss', :git => 'git://'

and run bundle install

Directory Requirements

A _data folder at the root of your site will hold the generated data, this is the default Jekyll data directory available at


Modify your _config.yml file to include and entry like this:

sheets :
    people :
        key    : 1w6uPTCA6V_6mD_02jB8WFJ5nVr6RPU_3kjfY9PQv_K0
        object : Person
        types  : ['current', 'alumni']
  1. update people will then become the command.
  2. key is the spreadsheet key.
  3. object is the desired Ruby class from lib/google_drive/models.rb.
  4. types is an array of the titles of the worksheets in the document, making subcommands possible to only update a specific tab: update people alumni.


If installed with bundler (recommended), then you have to execute with bundler:

bundle exec bliss

If successful, you should see a list of available functions (same as bundle exec bliss list):

The following functions are available based on your configuration:
    bliss update press
    bliss update people
    bliss update people current
    bliss update people alumni
    bliss update publications

Remember to call bundle exec before bliss when running the functions.

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