

Jekyll template using the HTML5 boilerplate & Gutenberg

layout: default image: og-image.jpg title: Jekyll-Gutenberg-HTML5 excerpt: A hackable Jekyll template based on the HTML5 boilerplate with beautiful typography


This project is a frankenstein of the HTML5 boilerplate and Matej Latin's Gutenberg typography kit, adapted for jekyll by JerTurowetz.

You can find the project repo here.

The HTML5 boilerplate server config, build, test and deploy tools have been removed and the implemented version of Gutenberg has been zealously shaved down, making it easy to jump right in to, replaced by the original Gutenberg or dumped in lieu of your own preferred styles.


  • /vscode/settings.json ready to go
  • .editorconfig defaults for winners
  • super sweet Makefile for Netlify deploys (including branch deploys)


You'll need ruby, sass, jekyll and a few gems to make your life easy. Assuming you have ruby installed:

gem install sass --no-user-install gem install jekyll bundler jekyll-paginate-v2 jekyll-feed jekyll-gist rouge wdm

Getting started

  • Download or clone this repo
  • if you need deps run bundle install
  • hack it up!
  • Build with jekyll build or serve with jekyll serve --watch

Placeholder files you should definitely edit

  • _config.yml
  • src/favicon.ico
  • src/icon.png
  • src/tile-wide.png
  • src/tile.png
  • src/

Editing the sass

src/base/_normalize.scss & src/base/main.scss are imports from the html5 boilerplate. The src/_sass/mixins/ & src/_sass/typography/ folders are my trimmed version of Matej Latin's Gutenberg.

The rest is just basic layout stuff that you can hack up however you want. I usually like to set some variables like colors & type, then set up basic layou in src/_sass/layout/, then make a new folder called src/_sass/theme/ and do whatever.

To do

  • Exclude CSS & JS from jekyll and manage with webpack instead
  • compress & resize images with whatever used above
  • Add basic htaccess/nginx header rules for simple setups