

Template: Personal template for new Jekyll projects.

Jessa Jekyll Base

I used this repository to get a feel for Jekyll. Now it serves me as an ugly Jekyll starting point. It is ugly on purpose.

  • I've removed the default minima theme that comes in a fresh Jekyll install so that I can write my own stylesheets and layouts. I've removed all syntax highlighting stylesheets.
  • I followed Tania Rascia's tutorial for setting up Jekyll. (It is pretty great!) That was mostly just a nice step-by-step setup guide, but she does change the organization of pages a bit from the Jekyll standard, which you can see in _pages. It is a nice way of organizing it that I like.

Using this template

  • To use this template, you need Jekyll installed (instructions here).
  • To serve Jekyll in a cloud IDE (I'm using Cloud9), use the command jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT -- instead of jekyll serve.
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