a lightweight jekyll-inspired metadata parser
Install the gem with by running gem install metatext
or include it in your Gemfile.
cat examples/hello_world.txt
foo: hello
bar: world
this is some plain ol' text
Everything in-between the triple ticks will be parsed as metadata, while the content underneath can be passed back raw, parsed with erb (if erb extension given) or further processed using something like redcarpet for markdown.
Here's the ruby:
# configure
Metatext.configure(dir: File.expand_path("examples", __FILE__), ext: 'txt')
# use it
Metatext.parse :hello_word do |meta, content|
puts meta.inspect # => #<OpenStruct foo="hello", bar="world">
puts content # => "this is some plain ol' text"
If you'd like to parse raw content yourself without configuring a directory and
extension, you can simply pass in any string to #parse
like so:
raw = %{
name: John Guest
please parse me!
Metatext.parse raw do |meta, content|
puts meta.inspect # => #<OpenStruct name="John Guest">
puts content # => "please parse me!"
If you set your extension to anything ending with .erb
, e.g. txt.erb
, the
text will be processed as erb, also allowing you to pass in locals.
cat examples/hello_word.txt.erb
foo: hello
bar: world
<% sounds.each do |sound| %><%= sound %>! <% end %>
and the ruby
Metatext.configure \
dir: File.expand_path("examples", __FILE__),
ext: 'txt.erb' # note erb extension
Metatext.parse :hello_word, sounds: ["bleep", "bloop"] do |meta, content|
puts meta.inspect # => #<OpenStruct foo="hello", bar="world">
puts content # => "bleep! bloop!"
If you'd like to process the text as markdown as well, a la Jekyll, just add it to
like so:
Metatext.configure \
dir: File.expand_path("examples", __FILE__),
ext: 'md.erb',
processor: Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::HTML)
Note: any text processor will work as long as it implements a render
This library was originally written for no-fuss, plaintext email templates. It was developed for and currently used in production environments at CD Baby.