Welcome to my little experiment in eCommerce using Jekyll, Avantlink, Nokogiri, Twitter Bootstrap, and Facebook
Jekyll is a static website generator. Learn more here: http://jekyllrb.com
Avantlink is an affilate warehouse with an outdoor product focus. Learn more here: https://www.avantlink.com
Nokogiri is a awesome XML parsing library for Ruby. Learn more here: http://nokogiri.org
I wanted to build a mobile first responsive website with a minimal amount of work. Twitter Bootstrap I Haz. Learn more here: http://getbootstrap.com
I needed to fill out the product detail pages with a "review" system of sorts. I landed on Facebook Comments. Learn more here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/
Please browse the site http://joecode.com/hackerbootshop/ and report any issues. https://github.com/joewils/hackerbootshop/issues
The "Buy now" buttons are wired up with my affilate link. If you end up purchasing anything I get a kickback from REI via Avantlink...