Multilingual Jekyll

This repository aims to show how to get a minimal multilingual Jekyll website.

It is based on the Making Jekyll multilingual article, applied on the Jekyll default theme.

You can check the demo on

Make your website multilingual

  1. Have a look at the article Making Jekyll multilingual, which explains how things work
  2. Check the diff for Jekyll 3.1.2 (older versions: 3.0.0, 2.5.3)
  3. Reproduce it on your website!

Create a multilingual website from stratch

  1. Still have a look at the article Making Jekyll multilingual, which explains how things work
  2. Clone the repo: git clone
  3. Open the folder: cd multilingual-jekyll
  4. Remove, CNAME and .travis.yml, which are useless outside this repository
  5. Install the dependencies: gem install jekyll (with Ruby)
  6. Build the website: jekyll serve
  7. Look at localhost:4000: surprise!


After having written an article about having a multilingual Jekyll website, sigul gave the idea to provide a minimal working example. Here we are!

The source code is freely available on GitHub. The Jekyll default theme is released under the MIT License, such as the modifications shown in this repository.


Please feel free to open an issue or to push a commit.

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