

A Jekyll theme based on the GOV.UK Design System

GovLike theme for Jekyll

About this theme

This is a simple theme for Jekyll based on the GOV.UK Design System, for use as a simple blog. It takes the Sass files from the design system, and select HTML components to give a similar look to GOV.UK, but without GOV.UK specific design flourishs like the Crown symbol or Royal crest.

Using the theme


To use this theme on your Jekyll build, include the jekyll-remote-theme plugin and add the following to your configuration file:

# Jekyll build settings
remote_theme: johnpeart/govlike


This theme requires the jekyll-paginate plugin.

Set up the site

You can control the site header, footer and sidebar through settings in the site _config.yml file.

The following settings are available and can be set using nested YAML markup:

  type: "default" # Set to "default", "service-name" or "service-name-with-navigation" to change the header
  site-name: "GovLike" # Appears in the header, regardless of style
  service-name: "Service name" # Appears in the header, if site.header.type is set to "service-name" or "service-name-with-navigation"
  # links:
  # - name: "Item 1"
  #   url: "/"
  #   alt: "Go to Item 1"
  # - name: "Item 2"
  #   url: "/2/"
  #   alt: "Go to Item 2"

The following settings are available and can be set using nested YAML markup:

  type: "default" # Set to "default"
  ogl: false # Display (true) or disable (false) the OGL licence text
  crown-copyright: false # Display (true) or disable (false) the Crown copyright text and symbol
  # links:
  # - name: "Item 1"
  #   url: "/"
  #   alt: "Go to Item 1"
  # - name: "Item 2"
  #   url: "/2/"
  #   alt: "Go to Item 2"

Site header

The following settings are available and can be set using nested YAML markup:

  type: "default" # Set to "default"
  description: "A basic Jekyll theme built on the GOV.UK Design System"

By default, the sidebar will take the text set in site.description and set it in the sidebar, if a separate description is not set here..

Adding posts and pages

To create the blogroll, create an index.html file. In the front matter, include:

layout: home

You can add posts by adding them to the _posts folder, and pages to the _pages folder. Posts and pages require YAML front matter to correctly display.

Header images can be set using nested YAML under the image tag. Setting an image source or caption will wrap the image in a <figure> tag, and place the text in a <figcaption> tag. Otherwise, the image will be set as a plain img tag.

title: 'Another sample post: so you can see how multiple posts work'
excerpt: 'This is a second sample post. We've created this to demonstrate how the templates work.'
  url: '/assets/images/govuk-opengraph-image.png'
  source: 'Name of source'
  alt: 'Descriptive text for a header image'
  caption: 'A caption for this image.'
author: 'GovLike'

Writing posts

Posts should be written in Markdown; for example:

# Heading Level 1

## Heading Level 2

### Heading Level 3

Paragraph text

[Links](// "Title text for the link")

<[email protected]>

> Blockquote text

- unordered list item 1
- unordered list item 2
- unordered list item 3

1. ordered list item 1
2. ordered list item 2
3. ordered list item 3

Adding images

![alt text](/assets/images/opengraph-image.png "Alt text for the image")


The license for the codebase for the GOV.UK Design System is released under the MIT License. This covers both the codebase and any sample code in the documentation.