

A super simple hex conversion Jekyll Liquid filter plugin.


A super simple hex conversion Jekyll Liquid filter plugin.

This was made because I needed something to convert a hexadecimal string in the form "RRGGBB" into the decimal in an array of form [R, G, B]


Assuming you are using a Jekyll site setup

  • If you have no _plugins directory in your site, create one
  • Simply put hex_to_rgb.rb into your plugins directory


This will add the filter hex_to_rgb to your project. Here are some examples of it being used:


{{ "aabbcc" | hex_to_rgb }} 
# => [170, 187, 204]

{{ "abc" | hex_to_rgb }} 
# => [170, 187, 204]

{{ "0a0b0c" | hex_to_rgb }} 
# => [10, 11, 12]


This filter acts differently based on the length of the sting given

Given a string of even length:
  1. Parse the strings in groups of 2 characters
  2. Convert each group to decimal
    Given a string of odd length:
  3. Parse the string into individual characters
  4. Make groups of the character repeated twice
  5. Convert each group into decimal.


This will parse and convert strings of ANY length. (Not just strings of 3 or 6 characters). Doing something like {{ "12345" | hex_to_rgb }} would return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]