#I'm sorry, my English is not so well. If there any mistakes in the document, please understand.
JOYTOU is a blog template built from Bootstrap by Joytou. You can choose to preview the theme first.
##Usage ##使用
1.Download the template from https://github.com/joytou/joytou.github.io Demo
1.从https://github.com/joytou/joytou.github.io 下载模板资源。Demo
2.Change the '_config.yml' to your setting:
# Resources settings
source: .
layouts: ./_layouts
timezone: +0800
lang: zh-CN
#set the <meta lang="">
#设置<meta lang="">
gems: ['jekyll-paginate', 'jekyll-multiple-languages']
languages: ['cn', 'en']
#list all of your site languages
language_default: 'en'
#your site default language
# Site settings
email: [email protected]
#your email
author: Joytou Wu
#author name
url: https://joytou.github.io
#the site url
github: https://github.com/joytou/
#your github url
baseurl: ""
# application directory
future: true
show_drafts: nil
lsi: true
published: false
safe: false
permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/
#The format of the article's link
paginate: 2
#The number of articles per page
markdown: kramdown
excerpt_separator: '<!-- more -->'
exclude: ['README.md']
github_username: joytou
#your github user name
owner_name: Joytou
#the owner name
# Keywords
keywords: #the keywords for the meta:<meta name="keywords" content="">
#您的网站的关键词:<meta name="keywords" content="">
#It has to list like(per one each line): -"keyword"
- "github"
- "bootstrap"
- "blog"
- "joytou"
- "markdown"
- "博客"
- "个人博客"
- "博客模板"
BaiduSiteVerification: "***"
-Your Baidu HTML Tag Verification:baidu-site-verification
-If not, please leave blank.
3.Setting the site information
In each '(language code).yml' file, change under information
name: JOYTOU
#Your site name
subname: 一个热爱折腾、不肯休息的业余程序员!
#Your site sub name
description: 此博客模板由Joytou通过Bootstrap创建
#your site's description
about: JOYTOU是由我(Joytou)单独完成的。如果您喜欢此模板,可以对此模板小额资助。
#about your site
4.Write article
create a empty file in '_posts' and name it like 'year-month-date-title.md',and then write like this:
在'_posts'文件夹创建空白文件,并以下面格式命名:'year-month-date-title.md' (注:title为英文格式,不能为中文),按以下要求写文章:
layout: post
title: test
#article title
date: 2015-04-05 08:00:00 +0800
#publish date
nav: post
#don't change this line
stickie: true
#Make the article stick to the top if true
category: official
#the category for the article
tags: [log, bootstrap, joytou]
#the tags for the article, it should be a array
* content
#Summary content.
<!-- more -->
#Writting the article here.
and so on.