

A layout and includes for better related posts on a Jekyll static site.


A layout and includes for better related posts on a Jekyll static site.

Include a configurable set of related posts on a page. `jekyll-related-posts' does not rely on custom plugins so works with GitHub Pages.

  • Choose random pages from posts and collections.
  • Choose pages with matching tags and/or categories.
  • Change the number of related pages to include.
  • Change the selection criteria (number of tags/categories, match both tags and categories or either).

The core of jekyll-related-posts is an _includes file called related.html. This file first generates and then iterates a related posts list based on your site _config.yml and page front matter.


  1. Copy the related.html file into your site _includes directory.
  2. Modify your _config.yml file to include related_by, related_categories and/or related_tags values. See below for available settings.
  3. Update the _layout used to include related posts to {% raw %}{% include related.html %}{% endraw %} where related posts should appear.
  4. Copy the related-post.html file into your _includes directory - modifying it to output a link for each related document. Alternatively set the related_template setting in _config.yml with an alternative include file - for example archive-single.html if you use the Minimal Mistakes theme.


The configured related_template file (defaults to related-post.html) is included by related.html for each post (as a post variable). Additionally, a related_layout value is provided in include.type to control how that related post is shown on your page. This is compatible with the popular Minimal Mistakes' Grid View layout in it's archive-single helper.

Configuration for related.html is controlled by a set of related_* settings. They can be set at the page level, which overrides a site-wide setting. Each setting has a default value if not set at page or site levels:

page.related_*? => Use page.related_*
 \-- site.related_*? => Use site.related_*
   \-- Use a default value.

The following related_* variables are available:

Related Setting Description
related_by Space separated list defining how related posts are selected. Use tags, categories (or both separated by space to match tags and categories). Include the word or to match tags or categories.

Alternatively use random to choose a random set of pages, or default for site.related_posts (or site.posts if site.related_posts is empty).
related_from Specify whether related pages come from just posts, the same collection or any documents (including posts).

NB: When using related_by: random, pages can only be selected from all posts or all documents (including posts). To select random pages from the same collection see the examples below.
related_limit The maximum number of related pages to include. Defaults to 4.
related_categories The minimum number of matching categories when related_by contains categories. Defaults to 1.
related_tags The minimum number of matching tags when related_by contains tags. Defaults to 1.
related_template The name of the _include file used for each related post added to the page. Defaults to related-post.html For the Minimal Mistakes theme, use archive-single.html instead.
related_layout The layout to pass to the related_template in the include.type parameter. Can vary depending on the related_template used. Defaults to list.

NB: Setting related_categories and related_tags to 0 when using related_by = categories, tags or both has a similar effect to configuring related_by as random.

Example Configurations

Example configurations and integration of related.html into the default layout of the Jekyll minima theme is shown below:

Include up to 6 pages with 1+ matching categories AND 1+ matching tags:

related_by: tags categories # Match on both categories and tags
related_limit: 6            # Include 6 related pages
related_categories: 1       # Match at least 1 category
related_tags: 1             # AND at least 1 tag.

Include up to 4 pages with 1+ matching categories OR 1+ matching tags:

related_by: tags or categories # Match on categories OR tags
#related_limit: 4              # Include 4 related pages by default
related_categories: 1          # Match at least 1 category
related_tags: 2                # OR at least 2 tags.

NB: related_limit: 4 is the default value, so does not have to be specified.

Include up to 5 related pages with 2+ matching tags:

related_by: tags      # Match on both categories and tags
related_limit: 5      # Include 5 related pages
related_tags: 2       # Match with at least 2 tags.

Integrating related.html into a layout

Integrating related.html into the default layout can be as simple as:

{% comment %}
  <!-- Only show related pages on a page when `related: true` -->
{% endcomment %}
{% if and page.related %}
  <div class="wrapper">
    <h3>See also</h3>
    {% include related.html %}
{% endif %}

The example front matter below will choose 10 random pages across posts and other collections. For example, on a recipe site, you could have a page that just shows random recipies from across your collections and posts.

title: "Random Recipes"
related_by: random
related_limit: 10

Random from the same collection:

To select random pages from the same collection, you cannot specify related_by: random along with related_from: collection. Instead relate by 0+ matching tags (i.e. any page from the same collection):

related_by: tags         # Match on just tags
related_from: collection # Select from the same collection
related_tags: 0          # Match any page from the collection.

NB: Related posts are chosen randomly at site build time (Jekyll is a static site generator after all). Related pages do not change when the page is accessed, only when the site is built.

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