

Math Club static website built using Jekyll. Contains all relevant information for the math club including meeting recaps and information regarding upcoming events


This is the repo for the UNI Math Club website. The site is a static website using built using Jekyll. The original theme has been heavily modified by me, but can be found here. As the secretary, I use this website to keep everyone updated with the club and post meeting notes here after each gathering.

If you found your way here and wish for something to be on the website, shoot me an e-mail at Alternatively you are more than welcome to open a PR here.

To download and run a localy hosted server using jekyll just clone the repo and run bundle install with your Ruby enabled command prompty (you'll need Gem). Then run jekyll build and finally jekyll serve to stand up a local instance (the std out will tell you the port).

Need help? reach out to me!

You can view the current state of the website here


These are the technologies/tools that were used to build this website