:a_whole_new_kind_of_beast => :awaken do
or with windows and chocolatey.org just use
$ cinst npm
flag for npm to install globally$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install
.scss # all your .scss files live here
prism.rb # this file is just here so the grunt uglify task doesn't fail see below
config.rb # compass config file for grunt
_compass.rb # compass config for jekyll plugin compass generator
The settings for grunt uglify are in Gruntfile.js
You will have to adjust the settings to match your project here is a gist
// uglify to concat, minify, and make source maps
uglify: {
dist: {
options: {
sourceMap: 'assets/js/map/source-map.js' // this is the source map of all the files yoyu feed uglify
// files: {
// 'assets/js/app.min.js': [ // this file will be a concatenated, minified file of all the .js files in the array
// 'assets/js/oneFile.js', // using this pattern you can concatenate many .js files into one file.
// 'assets/js/otherFile.js',
// 'assets/js/yetAnotherFile.js',
// ],
'assets/js/prism.min.js': [ // this is the minified file of the file in the array
Put the Rakefile in the root of your project
You should be good to go.
$ rake list
$ rake -T
rake clean # Clean out caches: .pygments-cache, .gist-c...
rake copydot[source,dest] # copy dot files for deployment
rake deploy # Default deploy task
rake gen_deploy # Generate website and deploy
rake generate # Generate jekyll site
rake integrate # Move all stashed posts back into the posts...
rake iso_post[title] # Begin a new post in c:/Users/Owner/Desktop...
rake isolate[filename] # Move all other posts than the one currentl...
rake list # list tasks
rake list_posts[type] # List all posts with an asterisk if it's pu...
rake livegrunt # preview the site with grunt and live reloa...
rake master_config_push # set master as default merge and push for o...
rake new_page[filename] # Create a new page in (filename)/index.md
rake new_post[title] # Begin a new post in c:/Users/Owner/Desktop...
rake preview # preview the site in a web browser
rake push # deploy public directory to github pages
rake push_master # commit changes to core source files on mas...
rake rsync # Deploy website via rsync
rake set_root_dir[dir] # Update configurations to support publishin...
rake setup_github_pages[repo] # Set up _deploy folder and deploy branch fo...
rake watch # Watch the site and regenerate when it changes
rake iso_post
, rake list_post
, and rake live_grunt
$ rake iso_post # will create a new post then isolate it and open it in Sublime Text 2
$ rake list_post # will list out the published and unpublished (drafts) in you _posts dir
$ grunt
make another version of Rakefile that uses Guard to watch, minify, optimize, run compass, jekyll, and live reload instead of grunt
also make another version that just works without Grunt or Guard as some people are not playing with those tools yet.