

Create blog using Jekyll and the text editor Atom


Create blog using Jekyll and the text editor Atom.

This repository contains a single blog and a single blog post; on how to set up this blog and blog post itself. The setup uses Jekyll (3.6.2) and the default theme minima that comes with Jekyll. The blog also introduces Atom for managing local repository clones and for editing markdown files.

Other Karttur repositories on creating blogs using Jekyll and GitHub

  • setup-github is a manual for setting up a GitHub account and create a Jekyll blog from scracth without a Theme.
  • setup-theme-blog is a blog on how to adopt a Jekyll Theme and adjust it to your needs.

Karttur on GitHub

Karttur´s GitHub pages are maintained by Thomas Gumbricht (Karttur AB).

Karttur is a research company specialising in remote sensing and spatial data for global natural resources mapping, inventories and monitoring.

Karttur´ GitHUb Overview page