

🎧 Turn a Spotify playlist into a Jekyll post


Turn a Spotify playlist into a Jekyll post.

Set up

  1. Create a Spotify app.
  2. From terminal, export the following variables using the information from your Spotify app:
echo "export SpotifyClientID=0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export SpotifyClientSecret=0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff" >> ~/.bash_profile

Install the app:

npm install spotify-to-jekyll

Open the directory you wish to download the Spotify playlist and run in terminal:

spotify-to-jekyll <playlist-id>

You can find your playlist's ID in its URL.


# change the default location of your posts folder
spotify-to-jekyll <playlist-id> --postsDir=_posts
# change the default location of your image folder
spotify-to-jekyll <playlist-id> --imgDir=images
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