
myring is an easy-to-use webring template built using Jekyll. Use it to generate static webrings, perfect for hosting on services such as Neocities, DigitalOcean, AWS... really, anywhere you can host a static site!


  • Jekyll - install using the quickstart guide
  • Light commandline experience
  • Some web hosting experience, and a place to host your webring

Basic usage

  • To create a new webring, copy the template folder from this repository and rename the copy to whatever you want.
  • Personalize the ring: edit config.yml, change out the images in img, and configure the stylesheets by editing the 'override' styles in style. You can edit the index and site viewer layout too, but it's not recommended.
  • Add sites to the ring: see the example sites in _sites to get an idea for the format.
  • Run bundle exec jekyll serve in the root of your ring's directory. You can then preview how the ring will look and act.
  • Once you're ready, run bundle exec jekyll build to generate the ring. You can then publish the contents of _site (NOT _sites).


  • Some sites may not work with myring, due to the use of an iframe in the site viewer. This is primarily a problem with modern sites, which disable embedding within iframes. Since webrings are primarily designed for groups of friends hosting smaller sites, this shouldn't be too much of an issue.
  • Managing rings is still a bit rough; in the future I'd like to add a management tool to make things a bit easier.
  • Might not work/look correctly on some old browsers, like IE6 and earlier.
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