

Jekyll blog theme inspired from GitBook.

Blog theme for Jekyll: jekyll-book

GitBook-inspired theme

This repository contains the files for a blog theme for Jekyll. It has been inspired by the styling the functionalities of the GitBook legacy version.

Live demo of the theme here.


  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Add your posts within the folder _posts. Use the folder structure based on the category of the post.

  3. Add the mandatory index file inside the category folder within posts.


    With contents:

    title: index
    date: 0000-01-01
    category: code
    layout: category-index
  4. Setup the config file _config.yml with the desired variable values.

  5. Install the dependencies of the theme by running bundle install .

  6. Build the blog and serve it by running bundle exec jekyll serve .


  • Syntax code highlighting fix for dark-mode.
  • Add top margin for reference/backlinks that is placed at the bottom.