

Jekyll modified to accomodate a podcast.

layout: page title: readme


This is template that can be used to host podcasts. This Jekyll powered website will generate the necessary rss feed for the podcast and if the listeners visit this website it can provide additional value like the about page or any ther custom pages, links and the bigger version of the the epiisode description.

Directory structure

These are the folders and files you will work with in order to publish your podcast.

├── _posts
|   └── [date-episode-title].md
├── assets
|   └── artwork.jpg
├── audio-files
|   └── [date-episode-title].md
├── config.yml
└── favico.ico



title: # Title of the podcast
language: # Language of the site and the podcast
author: # Hosts of the podcast
description: # Description and subtitle of the podcast
explicit: # yes or no wether the podcast is explicit.
itunesOwner: # Email address of the Apple ID from which this podcast will be uploaded to itunes.
category: # Category of the podcast in the iTunes directory

Post Front Matter

# Jekyll
layout: post
categories: [you can leave this empty]
episodeNumber: [num]

# Feed
title: # Episode title
date: # Release date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z
subtitle: # Short subtitle for the episode
explicit: # ["yes"/"no"]
duration: # The length of the episode. Format: hh:mm:ss
length: # The length of the episode. Format: seconds count
file: # URL to audio file


Based on Accidental Tech Podcast's feed.

Validated by W3C feed validator service.

Additional reference from Land of code.

Feed structure

├── xml
├── rss
└── channel
    ├── title
    ├── link
    ├── lastBuildDate
    ├── language
    ├── generator
    ├── itunes:author
    ├── itunes:subtitle
    ├── itunes:summary
    ├── description
    ├── itunse:explicit
    ├── itunes:owner
    ├── itunes:category
    ├── itunes:image
    └── item # There is an item for each post.
        ├── title
        ├── dc:creator
        ├── pubDate
        ├── link
        ├── guid
        ├── description
        ├── itunes:author
        ├── itunes:subtitle
        ├── itunes:explicit
        ├── itunes:duration
        ├── itunes:image
        ├── content:encoded
        ├── enclosure
        └── media:content

Feed tags


Name Syntax Description
xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> Define XML standard. Non user editable.
rss <rss version="2.0"> Define RSS standard. Non user editable.
channel <channel>[...]</channel> Channel related tags go in here.


Name Syntax Description Declaration
title <title>[…]<title> The name of the podcast. site.title
link <link>[…]</link> The link to the website of the podcast. site.url
lastBuildDate <lastBuildDate>[...]</lastBuildDate> The date and time of when the feed was last generated. site.time - date_to_rfc822
language <language>[...]</language> The language of the podcast and the website. site.language
itunes:author <itunes:author>[…]</itunes:author> The hosts of the podcast. site.author
itunes:subtitle <itunes:subtitle>[…]</itunes:subtitle> The description of the podcast. site.description
itunes:summary <itunes:summary>[…]</itunes:summary> The description of the podcast. site.description
description <description>[…]</description> The description of the podcast. site.description
itunes:explicit <itunes:explicit>[…]</itunes:explicit> yes or no wether the podcast is explicit or not. site.explicit
itunes:owner <itunes:owner>
The account from whicht the podcast is going to be uploaded from. Should be the podcast email. The name and email is going to match. site.itunesOwner
itunes:category <itunes:category text="[…]"/> The category of the podcast according to the iTunes directory. site.category
itunes:image <itunes:image href="[…]"/> The link to the bix 1400x1400 artwork. This is the artwork.jpg file. site.url/assets/artwork.jpg
item <item>[…]</item> Each individual episode has its own item. It contains all the information about the episode.


Name Syntax Description Declaration
title <title>[…]<title> The title of the episode. post.title
pubDate <pubDate>[…]</pubDate> The publication date and time of the episode. post.date - date_to_rfc822
link <link>[…]</link> Link to the episode on the podcast website. site.url/post.url
guid <guid isPermaLink="true">[…]</guid> Link to the episode on the podcast website. site.url/post.url
description <description><![CDATA[[…]]]></description> The show notes for the episode. This is the body of the post itself. ???
itunes:author <itunes:author>[…]</itunes:author> The name of the podcast. site.title
itunes:subtitle <itunes:subtitle>[…]</itunes:subtitle> A short excerpt from the episode. post.subtitle
itunes:explicit <itunes:explicit>[…]</itunes:explicit> yes or no wether the episode is explicit or not. site.explicit
itunes:duration <itunes:duration>[…]</itunes:duration> The length of the episode in the following format: hh:mm:ss. post.duration
itunes:image <itunes:image href="[…]"/> The episode cover art. It is uniform across all episoded. If you want a unique image then encode it into the chapters. site.url/assets/small-artwork.jpg
content:encoded <content:encoded><![CDATA[ ]]></content:encoded> The encoding of the show notes.
enclosure <enclosure url="[…]" length="[…]" type="audio/mpeg"/> The url to the audio file and its length in number of seconds. post.file, post.length
media:content <media:content url="[…]" length="[…]" type="audio/mpeg" isDefault="true" medium="audio"/> The url to the audio file and its length in number of seconds. post.file, post.length

Colon : is not allowed in Liquid so front matter like itunes:explicit is not possible.

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