

A python script to parse a directory/file containing YAML prepended content and create a master editable file. You can then make changes to this file and give it back to the script to make changes.


A python script to parse a directory/file containing YAML prepended content and create a master editable file. You can then make changes to this file and give it back to the script to make changes.


To use this script simply supply a directory containing jekyll content files using the following:

python3 _product/

The script will then recursively go through the folders within this directory looking for valid jekyll files and will add the contents of these files to a "master" by default named after the directory you provided. The master file also gets the original path of the directory added to the front of the master file. This file can then be modified by anyone and then supplied back to the script as:

python3 _product.txt

After running the above, all changes to the front matter / content of any of the files will be changed in the original path.