

A Liquid Filter to display a rating as a series of star images. Originally designed for use with Jekyll.


This is a Liquid Filter that will display a rating as a series of nought to five star images. It was originally developed for use with Jekyll and therefore the following instructions relate to that.


  1. Copy star_rating.filter.rb to your _plugins directory.
  2. Copy the contents of images to your images directory.


If you want to put the images in an alternative directory then you will need to alter Star_imagesLoc in star_rating.filter.rb to point to the correct location.

How to use it

If you had a variable such as page.rating then you could put {{ page.rating|star_rating }} in your text and the relevant number of images would be displayed.


To see this working run jekyll --server in the root directory of this repository and point your browser to http://localhost:4000


Copyright (c) 2011, Lawrence Woodman
This software is licensed under an MIT License. Please see the file,, for details.

The images are alterations from originals at stackoverflow and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License.

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