

Less is a Portfolio template. It will easily correspond to basic SEO, OGP, twitter card and collect your social link page.


Less is a Portfolio template. It will easily correspond to basic SEO, OGP, twitter card and collect your social link page. (Sorry, This "Less" is not the CSS pre-processor. X[ )

This theme not use js, It's a very simple portfolio. You can easily customize it too!


View Demo


Note: Summarys uses Jekyll. Please read Jekyll's documentation if you get stuck. Fork this repo, clone it, and then run:

bundle install

...which installs github-pages gem. After that, run the server:

jekyll srver

Please check with localhost.


Editing Your like styles

Edit stylesheets/less.scss like this:

// setting

$img: "http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6217/6341166445_daccd3fcce_b.jpg";
$img-filter: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
$font: serif;
$main-text-color: #eee;
$sub-text-color: #bbb;
$text-shadow-color: #333;
$link-color: #aaa;
$link-color-hover: #77D9D3;
  • img
    • "img" has been responsive image compliant.
  • img-filter
    • Style for setting translucent color on image.
  • font
    • Set your favorite font.
  • main-text-color
    • It's your name text color.
  • sub-text-color
    • It's discription text color.
  • text-shadow-color
    • Set your name and discription text shadow
  • link-color
    • It's social links color
  • link-color-hover
    • It's hover change for social links color

Edit _data/summary.yml like this

name: "Ancy"
copy: "I'm a web designer / engineer in Japan."

Edit _data/sns.yml like this

## SNS ID, link, e-mail
github:  "lazulirose"
codepen: "lazulirose"
twitter: "lazulirose_ancy"
facebook: "lazulirose.ancy"
pintarest: "lazulirose_ancy"
instagram: "lazulirose_ancy"
mail: "[email protected]"

What you do not need can be erased with _includes/nav.html, Or, please add the link you want. I used <a> and fontawesome. From fontawesome, use find the necessary icon.

Edit _data/seo.yml like this

## comon
site-name: "Ancy"
url: "http://lazulirose.com/"
description: "Portfolio Template less demo"
keywords: "designer, engineer, portfolio"

## facebook
facebook-title: "Portfolio Template less demo"
facebook-img: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/28818572?v=3&s=460"
facebook-id: "556138191440732"
locale: "ja_JP"

## twitter
twitter-card: "summary_large_image"
twitter-id: "@lazulirose_ancy"
twitter-img: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/28818572?v=3&s=460"
domain: "lazulirose.com"

  • description is also used in og and twitter


This theme also supported mobile

Author & License


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