

A base Jekyll template using best web practices and minimizing theme to core functionality for quick development of small static projects.

Basic Jekyll Starter

A base template for beginning a Jekyll site, this is simply a frame work set up to make starting off easy. Minimal styling is used to keep from bloat and make it simply to begin development without having to remove/overwrite code.


To begin working with Jekyll one must first ensure that Ruby and Jekyll are installed globally to be able to run the commands below.

Setting up & running

This is the basic process for getting started with Jekyll, whether it's this theme or another it's basically the same. Other themes may have more in depth requirements & gems but I've done my best to limit dependencies to ensure that this template will work with github pages .

  1. Clone project
  2. Modify _config.yaml with your name, blog title, description and etc...
  3. Add your touches to style.css and HTML files in _layouts to personalize
  4. Create blog entries in _posts/ - work off the sample posts there
  5. Run jekyll serve to generate site locally
  6. View your site at http://localhost:4000
  7. Once you're happy with your site upload _site to where ever you site will be hosted.

Deploying to Subdirectory

To easily deploy to a subdirectory (ie. instead of running your site at you can run it from use the url and baseurl settings in _config.yaml. The url is used for absolute links (like in the RSS feed) while baseurl is used for relative links (like everywhere on the front page). For example if you set it to:

baseurl: /blog url: http://foo.tld/blog

Then the html files will still be generated in _site but all the links will be generated either relative to /blog or using the absolute url of

_Note: when you run the built-in Jekyll server you will need to access your site by going to http://localhost:4000/blog. _

Develpment Pipeline

  1. Improve scss structure • create modules sub directory for organisation of components • add css reset • break out variables into separate _scss

  2. Look at adding base js structure to scripts.js


Much of this template is built off of my personal experiences with Jekyll, modifying the basic jekyll new template and adding in functional web features from my experience and my development of my single page HTML starter template. Additionally I've used the

Thank you to maciakl for providing some insights into creating this readme file and modifying & improving some of the basic feature.