

My HTML5 Boilerplate / Starter kit for Jekyll.

Jekyll HTML5 Boilerplate

This is a HTML5 boilerplate for the Jekyll blogging framework. It's built to be a bare-bones starter pack for developing a website using Jekyll. When I originally started using Jekyll, there was nothing to get me started, so I built it.

Everything in this repository is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. Copyright 2013 Liam Edwards-Playne <> and contributors.


The features it has are what I think are the essentials:

  • HTML5 structure using semantic tags.
  • Basic meta-information — charset, language (en).
  • Social graph information (for Facebook, Reddit etc.).
  • Basic HTML5 Microdata markup.
  • Layouts for posts and pages.
  • Blank PNG favicon and blank touch icons (iOS, Android).
  • RSS feed.
  • Sitemap.

How to use

  1. Fork the repository, as described here

  2. Modify the variables in _config.yml to suit your site.

  3. Generate using Jekyll and start building your own site!

    jekyll serve --watch



  • description
  • lastmod
  • title
  • category
  • tag
jekyll logo

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