

Jekyll site deployed with Github actions

Cultures Website

This website is for my Cultures Across Cultures project. I will be updating with posts throughout my project. The site is built using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. The theme used is Barber from Samesies. My workflow was:

  1. Get a working Ruby environment I used a (now) depricated tutorial from from Monfresh, and there may be some current ones from them.
  2. Edit as desired, with directions from the Barber repo. Create a Formcarry, tweak footer to remove subscribe bar. Test locally with bundle exec jekyll serve.
  3. To deploy, I used Monfresh's Jekyll GH pages tutorial. This will allow custom plugins used in the tag list to run. Ensure your origin is main, if not, tweak the script to follow master instead. I decided against Netlify due to the limited build time on the free plan. Once the initial build is complete, don't forget to switch the default branch back to master/main.
  4. To update the site, push changes to master (not the gh-pages branch). This will trigger the update github workflow, which can be seen in the Actions tab.