

Export resources URL's from an s3 hosted resources.json file to Jekyll post front matter

Update Connect Posts from a resources.json file

Currently, during Connect, a resources.json file is updated to ensure resources are available as soon as possible. These are hosted at https://static.linaro.org/connect/{{connect_code}}/resources.json

This script fetches the resources data from the provided URL and then loops over the posts in the connect.linaro.org website repo, adding the following front matter fields:

amazon_s3_presentation_url: https://static.linaro.org/..... # "" if not URL exists in resources.json
amazon_s3_video_url: https://static.linaro.org/..... # "" if not URL exists in resources.json

Clone this repository:

git clone [email protected]:linaro-marketing/export_connect_resources_json_to_frontmatter.git

cd into the directory:

cd export_connect_resources_json_to_frontmatter

Run the connect_posts_resources_updater.py script over your posts directory for a clean start! Provide the full path to your _posts directory and to your new allowed tags:

python3 connect_posts_resources_updater.py /home/god/Git/connect.linaro.org/_posts/lvc20/ https://static.linaro.org/connect/lvc20/resources.json