

Single HTML / PDF and other formats of the "PHP The Right Way" ebook by Josh Lockhart. Also includes a ghetto build tool. This requires Jekyll, Pandoc and probably MacTex.

PHP: The Right Way (PDF)

PDF conversion by Isam at (zenchloride @ gmail com)

Last updated 06/21/2013

Download PHP-The-Right-Way.pdf


This is a simple (2-3 line) script to generate a printer/ebook-reader* friendly
version of

You need to have Jekyll, pandoc, MacTex (or at least pdflatex for PDF output)


This currently only outputs in PDF format. You may choose to skip this mess and
download the PDF or single HTML version of the site also included right here.

The PDF conversion required MacTex.pkg which was 2.3 GB and 4.33 GB decompressed.

If you need an updated version of the PDF without going through the hassle of setting
anything up, just send me a message and I will regenerate the PDF.

Even better, send me a cronjob that updates the PDF nightly

Thanks! -Isam Machlovi