

My CV, made with Jekyll and Bootstrap

My CV template

The time has come to look for the job, so I designed this CV template for myself. It is based on Jekyll and uses Bootstrap 5 to prettify pages. Check out the result!


Supports multiple languages. Currently two are used: English and Russian, with the latter set as default. One can easily configure this template for any other combination of languages though.

Has two layouts: «fancy» and printable, with the prior set as default. I find the «fancy» layout attractive and more powerful since it allows to increase readers' attention span and control their read-through flow while being quite unobtrusive. However, it does not fit all the needs. People have different tastes, so random HR might dislike this, and in this case, I need a fallback version, that is completely distraction-free. I call it printable since it was optimized to be printed right from the browser window in the first place.

As Responsive as I can get. I tested it with a wide range of display sizes. If I haven't messed anything up, it should look pretty good on both ancient iPhone SE gen 1 and ultra-wide 4k monitor.


You can start using my CV as a template in just 4 steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Put your data into .yaml files in _data/
  3. Change _config.yaml, according to your needs
  4. Enable GitHub pages in your repository and you are done

You can also serve this website locally, by commenting out

gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins

And uncommenting

# gem "jekyll", "~> 4.2.1"
# gem "webrick"

Notice, that in this case, you will need to install gems locally with bundle install, after that just run jekyll serve and voilá!


As I mentioned, most configurations are done within _data/ and _config.yaml. Let's start with the latter one.

It is the default configuration file for Jekyll. Variables domain, url and baseurl are set according to GitHub pages manual, and title is just a string you want to be displayed on the tab. Notice also the ga-id, which stands for Google Analytics id and is used to gather information about visitors.

Languages listing

The important part of the _config.yaml file is the defaults entry. Basically, it lists all paths in the root directory, that will be accessible on the resulting website. Those are relative paths, so given that projects root directly into url + base_url, ru/ will eventually become

I prefer to keep all the markdown files empty, with just two lines at the beginning, indicating, that they are templates. Notice also, that I never introduce paths to index.html files, since this file is assumed by default if no name is given.

To make those empty files the actual HTML pages, I pass them two arguments: layout and lang. While the first one points to the particular layout within _layouts/ directory to use, the latter one defines, which data source should be pulled (more on that in Data section). Alternatively, we could begin each file with

layout: print
lang: <lang>

to achieve the same result, but I think my approach, which is more «centralized» is also more robust.

Add/Remove language

Basically, to add a language, one needs to:

  1. Add items to the defaults list. Suppose, I decided to add French, then the following code should be inserted into _config.yaml: ```yaml
  • scope: path: "fr" values: layout: "fancy" lang: "fr"
  • scope: path: "fr/" values: layout: "print" lang: "fr" ```
  1. Also, for pages to compile, markdown files should exist. They can be created with
    mkdir fr
    echo "---\n---" > fr/
    echo "---\n---" > fr/
    To remove a language, one can simply do the reverse of step 1.

Observe, that even though is accessible now, the only information it shows is the contacts list. This is the expected behavior since we never provided any data in French.

Data files

Now it's time to proceed to the main source, one probably will modify — data files. As expected, they are located in _data/ directory. Here is a tree representation of this folder:

├── empty
│  ├── education.yaml
│  ├── jobs.yaml
│  ├── publications.yaml
│  └── title.yaml
├── en
│  ├── education.yaml
│  ├── jobs.yaml
│  ├── publications.yaml
│  └── title.yaml
├── ru
│  ├── education.yaml
│  ├── jobs.yaml
│  ├── publications.yaml
│  └── title.yaml
└── contacts.yaml

Notice, that data is organized in a way, that is similar to markdowns: one folder for each language, both containing identically named files. The folder called empty is structured similarly to language ones since it's a template.

If you happen to open a demo website, you might very well notice, that those files correspond to 4 sections of the CV template. That is true, except for title.yaml, it also contains language-specific section_names dictionary. In this dictionary, keys correspond to section ids, which are also used to name files in _includes/ directory. Values, on the other hand, are just labels, that will be shown on web pages.

One could easily recognize that contacts.yml, is a sort of universal data entry, that is language-invariant. For now, it only includes email, telegram, and GitHub, but this list can be extended.

Note: Adding another contact item would require editing _includes/whoami.html, which is discussed in Customizing layouts section.

Add/Remove data

Let's get back to adding the French version for CV. As I mentioned above, when we edited _config.yaml, we pass new entries to the defaults list, each containing lang variable, that points to the data source.

Eventually, Jekyll reads all the content of the _data/ into dictionary, the keys of which are basenames of files/directories, so if we were to access the education data in Russian, we would use (read more about it in Jekyll manual).

So for French CV to work as expected, should exist and contain education, jobs, publications, and title entries. For that, the corresponding folder and files within it should be created. Long story short, it can be done with the following command.

cp -r _data/empty _data/fr

After that, cd into fr folder and add all the info about yourself.

It's even easier to remove some data, just delete files/folders/lines you don't need anymore. Alternatively, if one needs to disable the language without deleting data files, it can be done with _config.yaml, this will make Jekyll ignore the respective data path on the compilation stage.


There are two layouts, associated with files within _layouts/ folder. These .html files are entry points for page generation procedure and serve as templates. They are written with Liquid templating language, that Jekyll uses.

«Fancy» layout

This layout extensively utilizes _includes/ folder, which is the default path for the include directive in Jekyll. Let's take a look at it:

├── elements
│  ├── accordion_item.html
│  ├── body.html
│  ├── card.html
│  └── carousel.html
├── education.html
├── jobs.html
├── publications.html
└── whoami.html

Files within the elements folder act like functions — they are templates, that expect some input on include. If we take a closer look at _layouts/fancy.html, we will easily find out, that the only thing it does, apart from importing styles and scripts, is

{% include elements/body.html %}

When this elements/body.html function is executed, it sets container, parses the list of sections from _data/<language>/title.yaml iterates over them, and runs

{% include elements/accordion_item.html id=id header=header %}

on each iteration.

As one may guess, accordion_item is just another name for the collapsible section. Since sections structure might differ, accordion_item.html just sets header and includes a file from _includes/ with given id, without any parameters:

{% include {{}}.html %}

This is the reason, why keys of section_names from _data/<language>/title.yaml and file names in _includes/ should be the same. When accessing data elements, each section also assumes, that the corresponding file has the same basename.

All section files, except for whoami.html perform the same actions. First, they pull required data and pass it to elments/carousel.html. Carousel (horizontal slideshow), then, iterates through data items and feeds each into of them elements/card.html. The reason, why whoami.html does not invoke carousel is that it has only one item, which is the title page, so it directly calls elements/card.html.

Contrary to a well-organized «fancy» layout, the print layout is just a plain .html file, that is fairly hard to modify yet. On the other hand, everything one has to know about it to be able to customize is template location: _layouts/print.html

Customizing layouts

There are 2 customization options available:

  1. Edit .html files in _layouts/ or _includes/. For example, you can increase the titles' font size for sections in the «fancy» layout by changing fs-2 to fs-1 in button class definition in _includes/accordion_item.html.
  2. Edit .scss files in _sass/ folder. I don't recommend editing files /assets/css/, since their only purpose in life is to import from _sass/. Note that any modification to bootstrap variables should be made in bootstrap-vars.scss, otherwise, they will be overwritten by default values.

    Render new data

    Suppose, I decided to extend the list of my contacts and add my account on twitch. First, I will add
    twitch-id: lyo-nya # Not real account
    For it to render, I now need to edit _includes/whoami.html by adding something like
      href="{{ }}"
    > My twitch accont </a> 

Things become much more complicated if I decided to add a new section to my CV or remove an existing one. In this case, I would have to edit assets/js/full-height-collapsibles.js, which resizes accordion items, assuming there are 4 of them. Apart from that, these items are initially sized in _sass/base.scss, which should also be modified. Finally, I cannot guarantee, that all the page contents will remain responsive.


  • Decompose print.html, so that it is easily modifiable
  • Navigate between accordion items with up/down arrow keys