

Jekyll plugin to add a photo gallery or comic to a Jekyll site

Jekyll Gallery Plugin

This plugin adds easy to manage galleries to Jekyll. There is a basic example of the plugin in use here.

Read more about Jekyll plugins in the Jekyll docs.


In the directory containing you're Jekyll site:

  • Add gallery.rb to the _plugins folder of your Jekyll site.
  • Add a layout gallery_post.html to the _layouts folder (or copy the example from this folder.

To enable the use of exif information to automatically identify photo dates you must install the gem exifr.


The Gallery plugin adds a new type of item to a site, the GalleryPost. These posts are generated using the images found in the gallery directory _gallery.

Images can be named following the normal Jekyll post naming style YYYY-MM-DD-Post-Title.ext or can exclude the date. If the date is excluded either the file creation time will be used or, if the exifr gem is installed, the photo's capture date will be used.


The Jekyll site variable has been extended to contain, a reverse chronological list of GalleryPosts similar to site.posts.


On GalleryPost pages, the following have been added to the page data.

  • page.image - The URL of the GalleryPost's image.
  • page.image_info - The contents of the images info file. See Info Files below for more info.
  • - The URL of the next chronological GalleryPost or empty if there at the latest GalleryPost.
  • page.previous - The URL of the previous chronological GalleryPost or empty if there at the earliest GalleryPost.
  • page.last - The URL of the latest GalleryPost or empty if there at the latest GalleryPost.
  • page.first - The URL of the earliest GalleryPost or empty if there at the earliest GalleryPost.

Info Files

Because images cannot contain YAML Front Matter, each gallery image can have an optional image file. These files have the same name as the image, but with the extension .txt, so 2012-01-01-Happy-New-Year.jpg would have the info file 2012-01-01-Happy-New-Year.txt.

Info files can be used to change the date, title or layout for any GalleryPost. The content of an info file can be accessed in the GalleryPost's layout using page.image_info.


Gallery configuration options available in _config.yaml:

  • gallery_dir - Specify the directory containing the original gallery images. (default: _gallery)

  • gallery_layout - Set the layout to use for gallery posts. (default: gallery_post.html)

  • gallery_permalink_style - Similar to permalink, controls the URLs that gallery posts are generated with. See Jeykll docs Permalinks page. (default: /gallery/:categories/:title.html)


  • Multiple galleries.
  • Specify time for images using EXIFR, not just the date.


Peter Dodds


MIT, see LICENSE.txt

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