
My public CV as hosted on implemented via Jekyll.

CV - Gerd Naschenweng via Jekyll
CV - Gerd Naschenweng via Jekyll


I moved to Jekyll as a hobby-project to transform my CV into an easier to manage format where I could just use simple markdown without having to "hack around" in HTML.

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdown and Liquid templates, and spits out a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache, Nginx or another web server. Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub Pages, which you can use to host sites right from your GitHub repositories.

Jekyll does what you tell it to do — no more, no less. It doesn't try to outsmart users by making bold assumptions, nor does it burden them with needless complexity and configuration. Put simply, Jekyll gets out of your way and allows you to concentrate on what truly matters: your content.



I am running on MacOS and the install is straightforward via Homebrew as described here:


You are free-to-use this template, provided that you keep a copyright / link to my Github project. Obviously change all the details in the "data.yml"

Donations are always welcome

:beer: Please support me: If the above helped you in any way, then follow me on Twitter or send me some coins:

(CRO)    cro1w2kvwrzp23aq54n3amwav4yy4a9ahq2kz2wtmj (Memo: 644996249) or 0xb83c3Fe378F5224fAdD7a0f8a7dD33a6C96C422C (Cronos)
(USDC)   0xb83c3Fe378F5224fAdD7a0f8a7dD33a6C96C422C
(BTC)    3628nqihXvw2RXsKtTR36dN6WvYzaHyr52
(ETH)    0xb83c3Fe378F5224fAdD7a0f8a7dD33a6C96C422C
(BAT)    0xb83c3Fe378F5224fAdD7a0f8a7dD33a6C96C422C
(LTC)    MQxRAfhVU84KDVUqnZ5eV9MGyyaBEcQeDf
(Ripple) rKV8HEL3vLc6q9waTiJcewdRdSFyx67QFb (Tag: 1172047832)

Go to to add your card to ApplePay and signup to for a staking and free Crypto debit card.

Use Binance Exchange to trade #altcoins. Sign up with Coinbase and instantly get $10 in BTC. I also accept old-school PayPal.

If you have no crypto, follow me at least on Twitter.

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