

Jekyll academic book templates

Installation and setup

  1. Clone the repository (you probably already have)
  2. Install a Ruby environment
  3. Install jekyll and bundler gems: gem install jekyll bundler
  4. Navigate to the cloned repository
  5. Install jekyll site plugins: bundle install
  6. Serve the site: bundle exec jekyll serve
  7. Browse to http://localhost:4000

Publishing the site

  1. Make sure you have a target repository and GitHub account
  2. Enter your GitHub credentials and info in deploy.env
  3. When publishing for the first time, give execution rights to the script: chmod +x ./
  4. Run the deployment script: ./, it may ask for your GitHub password.


Add your bibtex files to _bibliography, by default only references.bib is used.

Update the copyright message in _includes/copyright.html.

If using Scalafiddle and you want to add more templates, add them to _scalafiddle. The default template file _scalafiddle/Template.scala can be used as a base and contains basic plotting functionality.