

Space Template for Hakyll, port of space-jekyll-template

Space Hakyll

A simple and elegant Hakyll theme based on Spacemacs. The theme works well on mobile devices as well.

Port of space-jekyll-template

Site/User Settings

customize your site in _config.yml

# Site settings
description: A blog about lorem ipsum
baseurl: "" # the subpath
url: "" # the base hostname &/|| protocol for your site

# User settings
username: Lorem Ipsum
user_description: Lorem Developer
user_title: Lorem Ipsum
email: [email protected]
twitter_username: loremipsum
github_username:  loremipsum
gplus_username:  loremipsum
disqus_username: loremipsum

How to create a post ?

_posts create a file .md with structure:

layout: post
title: "Lorem ipsum speak.."
date: 2016-09-13 01:00:00
image: '/assets/img/post-image.png'
description: 'about tech'
- lorem
- tech
- Lorem ipsum
twitter_text: 'How to speak with Lorem'