

upcoming_events plugin for Jekyll

This Jekyll plugin takes a collection of events and filters out the upcoming events.


If today was 24 Feb 2016 (a Wednesday), and our events take place weekly on Thursdays, the upcoming events would take place today or later.

Getting Started

  • Copy upcoming_events.rb to your _plugins directory
  • Create a directory named _events
  • Create a file for each event; event names must be ordered, e.g. by prefixing it with a date (however, don't use the YYYY-MM-DD prefix Jekyll reserves for posts; use YYYYMMDD for example.)
  • Configure the events collection:
        output: true
        permalink: /event/:path/
  • Keep in mind this is an early version of this plugin, and I'm not a Ruby coder. Improvements (PRs) are very welcome :)

Front Matter

Your event files require a special YAML Front Matter block at the beginning. In particular, the start key is required for figuring out the current event.

Here is an example:

layout: event
title: "Next Meetup of our Group"
start: 2016-02-25T19:00:00.00+01:00
end: 2016-02-25T22:00:00.00+01:00
location: "Our usual meetup location"

In your Page

Now, you can access the current event data in your page:

{% assign currentEvent = %}
<h2><a href="{{ currentEvent.url }}">{{ currentEvent.start }}</a></h2>
<p><strong>{{ currentEvent.location }}</strong></p>
<p>{{ currentEvent.content }}</p>