

jekyll version of personal website


To use, you must have Ruby and gem installed

You can install the required gems with these commands: (You may need root access)

  gem install haml
  gem install rake
  gem install jekyll

To run, you can either

  rake build

to build into a folder (which works, but may hang? and require CTRL-C), or

  rake preview

to build and start a web server listening on port 4000, that you access in a browser at localhost:4000.

Borrows heavily from brandonwang.net. Also uses Twitter Bootstrap and Jekyll Bootstrap.

##General stuff

  • two types of content (basically)- blogs and projects (both are posts)
  • blogs have lots of content and get their own page and a full list with links
  • projects have short descriptions and are all shown on one page


  • automate projects styling
  • Re-add rake tasks for creating posts, projects
  • Deal with weird horizontal overflow/width
  • Support pictures in blog posts (and add pictures)
  • less manual stuff for assets, at some point