

a code repository template that contains code repo, docker-compose for service and dependencies, Jekyll powered documentation and haproxy to smooth up local web requests


This a code repository template. You can fork it and use it as a base for your service(s) or download it and fit it into your existing repository.

code repository template

This is the start of the journey with your stack.

This stack is meant to be used with Docker and docker-compose to provide teams with a standard way to have :

  • web service code base (what ever you want)
  • markdown documentation repository (this is a jekyll based setup)
  • databases services (edit the docker-compose to your liking for this)

You could have one single service code base in the code folder but you could also have more and use this as a single repository setup for all your services and possibly infrastructure too.

We see it as a way to get everything the team needs into a single place with git versionning it all. And if you use git-appraise then you even get code reviews within.


One or more services code bases. It comes with a basic Dockerfile using a simple hello world sinatra app. You can replace it with what ever you want.


Technical documentation for the service(s) and possibly including your team code of conduct, team charter, coding style, deployment and release processes documentation, ...


Docker is a handy way to get services dependencies running. The default docker-compose.yml included in this repository comes with a few services :

  • service_haproxy : an haproxy instance to more easily use the service container and the documentation one at least, if not more. The configuration file lives in the haproxydata folder check it out to figure out how to extend for more services
  • service_db : configured to be an instance of PostgreSQL. It's sturdy, open source, and many use it. Its data will live in the pgdata folder so that you don't lose everything upon each stop and start of the container
  • service_redis : a redis instance; mostly as an example of something else here, but often useful
  • service_devdocs : a jekyll based "simply documentation" container with live reloading and so on. Document as much as you want through markdown files in the documentation folder, they will appear automatically in your doc web host.
  • service_web : your actual service. It's expected to have a Dockerfile and to be able to run. The default includes a Rails 6 friendly setup but you can alter that to your needs

haproxy config and hosts

HaProxy is used to simplify your life here : no specific port to remember, you can use hostnames, if you adjust the configuration in a few files.

haproxy config

While a bit intimidating it's actually fairly straight forward. The haproxydata folder contains an example to start from.

If you want a web service and the documentation to be pointed to with using hostnames such as web.myteam.local and doc.myteam.local you should have the following :

    log /dev/log    local0
    log /dev/log    local1 notice

    log    global
    mode    http
    option httplog
    option dontlognull
        timeout connect 5000
        timeout client  50000
        timeout server  50000

frontend web
    bind *:8000
    mode http
    acl web hdr_sub(host) -i web.myteam.local
    acl doc hdr_sub(host) -i doc.myteam.local
    use_backend web if web
    use_backend documentation if doc
    option httpclose
    default_backend documentation

backend web
  timeout server 4h
  balance leastconn
  server web1

backend documentation
  timeout server 4h
  balance leastconn
  server doc1

So alter the hostnames according to your needs.

It's good to note that the ip address used for the backends are the one of the docker host. So depending on your settings you might want to change that too.

/etc/hosts edit

Once you have made the changes in the haproxy config file you want to edit your /etc/hosts file and add entries pointing to the right place : myteam.local web.myteam.local doc.myteam.local

setup needed for documentation

Finally, if you want everything to stay on doc.example.org.local you will want to change the _config.yml file in the documentation folder.

title: Documentation
email: [email protected]
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
  This is the internal documentation for the ChangeMe team
baseurl: "/" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "http://doc.myteam.local:8000"

markdown: kramdown
theme: just-the-docs
  - jekyll-feed

search_enabled: false

url should be set correctly depending on the hostname you decided to use for the documentation part. The port should be the one you picked for the haproxy service, which is 8000 by default.

let's roll

At the very least you need to edit the /etc/hosts so that it includes the myteam.local, web.myteam.local and doc.myteam.local entries. With just that done you can run docker-compose up and the defaults will work. Head to http://myteam.local:8000 and you will land on the documentation host.